Monday, 24 June 2013

Live Healthy: Update #7

So it has been quite a while since my last Live Healthy update because life happened! But I haven't forgotten my live healthy ways so here's what I've been up to:

My latest gym session and some snacks. I really needed a pick me up so I treated myself and my colleagues to bright cupcakes! I have found that adding fresh fruit like banana's and apples to plain oats, makes it taste much better.
Fruit shake time!! The best way to boost your immune system is by giving it tons of fruit. 
Have you ever been to Fruit and Veg Food Lovers Market? They are in most major cities. Fruit and Veg on steroids as I call it. They have dirt cheap specials that change every week. In the beginning of June we bought a veg special which was 7kg potatoes, a pocket of oranges, a pocket of butternut and a huge box of tomatoes for just R100. 
This weekend I bought their fruit special (hence the fruit shake). A packet of banana's, apples, oranges, two punnets of strawberries and one large paw paw for R50. Crazy right!? 

I always saw buying food was an expensive attribute to living healthy but after seeing these specials it is definitely do-able!

Gym wise, I've been a terrible girl! I have only been going once a week as it is year end at my firm and once I get home I just pass out. This week I am hoping to play a little catch up. I have my gym contract through our medical aid so in order for me to save money I need to go at least 3 times a week.

I also have to start running my little behind off for the Spar Women's race happening on the 31st of August which I noted in my last update

Later this week I will be announcing a possible 2014 resolution that will be a sequel to my Live Healthy 2013 resolution. I am really excited for this!

Here's a motivational poster that has kept me going these past few weeks :)
Follow my Pinspiration board here.


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